Our Story
Discover the impact in our latest Annual Report!

Our Values
Youth are at the centre of Unity. We exist as an organization to serve young people in need of ways to express themselves positively, in need of community, encouragement and support, in need of representation and platforms so that they may be heard and seen. We prioritize youth by including them in the conversation, by listening to them, and by guiding and mentoring them.
Hip Hop
To Unity, the Hip Hop elements are languages through which we’re able to connect, teach, inspire, and engage with youth. The history of Hip Hop, and the foundational values of the culture--social justice, peace, respect, self-worth, and community--are values and stories we strive to embody and share, so that youth may find inspiration, motivation and lessons of resilience within them.
To Unity, community represents places and spaces where people feel seen and connected. Community means sharing, support and safety. In our work, community is foundational - it is at the centre of all we do. Helping others to find and experience belonging in community, and finding it ourselves, motivates us and moves us all closer to success and wellness.
To Unity, respect means treating every person with dignity, consideration and honour. In our work, respect is important because it allows us to build lasting relationships and create spaces where people feel dignified and safe to grow, learn and work. Respect is also important to Unity as a foundational value of Hip Hop.
Youth are at the centre of Unity. We exist as an organization to serve young people in need of ways to express themselves positively, in need of community, encouragement and support, in need of representation and platforms so that they may be heard and seen. We prioritize youth by including them in the conversation, by listening to them, and by guiding and mentoring them.
To Unity, passion is the fire within, loving what you do and who you are. Passion is recognizing what moves the spirit, and honouring that need. In our work, passion is essential because it breathes life into our collective efforts, and keeps us hungry for change and growth.